Monday, 9 August 2010

Last Wegie posting

Last post from Glasgow.

My penultimate Wegie weekend has been a delightful one.

Visited the Glasgow Farmers' Market in the sooth side with Joff and Chris- ostrich sausage in roll a winner but the wild boar burger a stand out. Shot through to Edinburgh with Lily for a final farewell to Carl. Got to see a little more of Edinburgh this time- the Meadows and the Links. Waded through manic crowds (the Fringe certainly transforms the city!!!) and rifled through some top gear at the Grass Market market/Anderson's (Big up J P and N L). Had a real ale at the Best Pub in Edinburgh 2010, joint winner, and waxed lyrical about everything with Carl and Lil from socialism to the impact of the EU 'corporation' to renewable energy to ginger ladies. Finished Sat with a pasta making lesson from Ben. Delicious. The pasta was good, too.
Oh stop it.
Action and Adventure awoke on Sunday with determination and energy and a belly full of goodness. Loch Lomond was the destination. Walked through the woods and ate carrot cake. Found mushrooms and dogs and a Balloch-ian penny.
Feast tonight, true Davis style, of salt and pepper squid, satay monk fish, roast rack of lamb, parsnips, King Eddies... many many yum yums. All things delicious.

Packed my hideous excuse for a bag- one of those plastic tartan £2 bags, which has already torn. Tomorrow I bind it with duct tape, coffee with McBetts (my off-line online travel buddy) and then a tough journey to the airport with Ben for mechanical and emotional reasons.

See you Melbourne folk soon- Saturday at the Town Hall.

Bye Glasgow.
Love ya!

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