Saturday, 5 May 2012


Some weekends seem to drain away too quickly and before you know it you've rolled into Monday without so much as a shower and a plate of microwaved nachos.
If you're clever you can anticipate the impending Weekend Time Warp and actually structure the passing of the hours into a check list of yeses. The more yeses the greater the sense of accomplishment.
Some weekends present with this not-waiting-for-you attitude and yet you manage to pull the rabbit from the hat and actually achieve something.
These are the best weekend.

What did you get up to on the weekend?
I smashed The Weekend into a hundred delicious pieces.

Friday included a lovely chat with Jules from Le Bar about Islay and which distillery gives the best tour. A measure of a great bar, in my mind, is the presence of hooks under the bar. Thankfully Jules has a beautiful idea to bring his bar up to that level. We've heard more about the upcoming renovation and can't wait for her to open. Really.
Added to the beautiful garden in some way. Put the steel caps to use with some very necessary drilling support.
Bought enough coaxial cable/tacks to get the shitty digi box to work. Great, now we have TV back in our house. It's just as shit as it was before.
Wandered into a 'garage sale'; the woman was selling bilums from her time in PNG, back when it was only a place for anthropologists and cannibals.
Delivered glory to my stomach, thank you The Premises.

Pretty happy with that. And dinner hasn't even been constructed yet.
Yet to get to Sunday.

nom nom nom nom nom ...